Walkathon - In loving memory of David Jinks

We’ve taken on a challenge to Do it for Heart!
In memory of David Jinks, ITW is organising a WALK-A-THON fundraiser during the month of October, to help raise vital funds for the Heart Foundation. Our Goal will be to raise $8,000.
We are passionate about saving Australian Hearts and we need your help to create change. That’s why we are fundraising for the Heart Foundation – and we hope you’ll support us in this.
Heart disease remains Australia’s biggest killer, claiming 48 lives every day. Your donation will help the Heart Foundation to transform Australia’s heart health by
Funding life-changing heart research
Supporting health professionals working to prevent, diagnose and treat heart disease
Providing heart-healthy programs and resources for everyday Australians
Please make a donation today, click the donate button. Every donation, big or small will help me get closer to our goal.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you’ll get a receipt by email as soon as you make your donation
Thank you for your support.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Itw Proline

Site Geotechnical Pty Ltd

Neil Connon
Fantastic cause in honour of one of life's gentlemen.

Naomi Nicholas
Good on you Jon, such an important and persuasive issue.

Domenic, Donna, Ebony And Anabel Strati
For a fantastic cause, in loving memory of David.

Nigel Archard

Nick, Grace And Joseph Fiorillo
In loving memory of a gentle soul taken too soon. You will always be in our hearts.

Louis Rowan
We need more good hearts! God Bless!

Sally Jinks
So appreciative. You are truly amazing. Thank you for all that you do and continue to do to honour the big fella.

Rob Buckley
Go Go Go!!

A & C Jinks
A wonderful idea

Ally Katie And Bec
With loving support from The Macinnis’

Michelle James & Ivy Walker

This amount is due to the Cats percentage..one of his great loves! Well done team on such a great cause.

Jimmy Tuncay
Great cause ❤️❤️

Jess Harrop
Awesome work MammaBear, keep on trekking.

Andrew Coffey
go the red strength as we remember Jinksy fondly

Keith Fagg
Good on you Nick, in memory of David

Caroline Curtis
All the best for your fundraising efforts. God's blessings to you and all who are raising money. Keep safe. xxx

Vito Porto

Outstanding work, Nick 3 Votes!!

Jim Osborne

Marty Rowan
Good work Nick. The more visable you are on the streets the higher community morale will be! Fantastic timing for Geelong mate.

Frazer King
Stay strong ❤️.

Peter Medici
In memory of my brother in law, dearly missed, always rememered. Love Peter & Joanne

Lyn And Tom Williamson
Thank you so much for doing this. I miss my loving brother Dave every day.

Michael & Decima Chadd
Good job team. We often do a Cheers to Dave, he is greatly missed.

Rachel Holland


Hannan Family

Lachlan Walker

Mitchell Connon
Too hard to choose who I want to see walking! Awesome work everyone & for a great cause.

Maiana Cameron
so proud of you nathan! lots of love bub xx

Melisa Resanovic
What an amazing cause! <3

Pep, Sue, James & Ryan Xxx
A wonderful cause on behalf of a wonderful man. Well done ITW Proline.

Kate Sheahan
Great work Kerrie & the ITW Team.

Kohl Family
What a beautiful thing to do for such a wonderful man xxx

Josephine Catanzariti
For a truly wonderful cause. Also for a soul gone too soon! X Josie (Sally's Cousin)

Deb And Kerry Irving
I miss my beautiful brother every day, thank you for honoring his memory in such a thoughtful, positive way. I hope you smash the $8000 goal.

Josh, Sarah & Harrison Chandley
Well done Nick! Amazing effort. Enjoy the kilometres and make sure you stretch after xx

Kerrie Johnson

Michael Ritchie
Get Walking!

Jake Chandley

Paulo Keliele

Nick & Melina Strati
Thank you for setting up this fundraiser. Regards, Nick & Melina Strati

Frank And Sarina Medici And Family
What a wonderful cause to honour our beautiful son in law Dave who we miss immensely everyday. Well done Proline Team. Frank and Sarina Medici and Family.

Merilyn Jose

Matt Mcdonald

Jonathan Mcnicol

Luke Sharry
Great work Nick. Keep those little pistons ticking over!

Christine Hawksworth
Great Cause ❤❤

Abbey O’brien
Love you so damn much xx

Ravinesh Naidu
Get back to work!!!

Julee O’flaherty
Hi Cats!

Mike Bean

Julie-anne Vandenhoff

Jarrod Moloney
You’re an absolute superstar!

Phoebe Lucy Darren And Luke Holmes
with all our love ❤️

Nick Chandley

Adam Martin
He will always be remembered by myself as a work mentor, but above all a friend.

Matt Bauman

Tom O'loughlin
Shit I bet I was high on your list especially after all emails from Bangladesh after the whole Oxfam thing 😂😂. Only to happy to support you mate. Great work legend very proud of you👏👏😘

Sammy & Matt Wray
Thank you for honouring the amazing man - I miss my uncle Dave everyday, and I am proud of his legacy. 💕

Gallagher Construction

Justin Wearne
Great effort Nick. Jinksy and his family are often in my thoughts.

Shaun Doolan

Ryan Falvo
Stay strong, so much love ❤️

Amber Jinks
The support behind dad is absolutely amazing. Thankyou 🤍

Jared Burl

Paul Bourke

Natalie Pascoe
How beautiful 🥰 Good on you all 😊 Dave was a Gem, so dearly loved & missed xx

Nathan Jinks
Cheers for doing this. Legends

Tahlia Crema

David Bryans
Great effort keep on walking

Ant & Prue Richards

Dean Birch
In memory of the great man Jinksy. Well done mate.

Alena Mcdonald
Good on ya Jon!! What a great cause!

Mandi & Sam Xx
Good luck Team Jinks xx

Scott Weekes
Good onya fella. I didn't realise this was why you were walking. I thought it was to get your calf right! Win win

Natasha Gude
Thank you ❤️

Bravo Pinky. Well done mate.

Daniel Wiles

Mitchell Barber

Andrew Dimble

Mitch Irving

Amy Shelly
Great effort Jon. Well done.

Bug Ryan
Well done guys, miss the big fella every day

Brodie Burriss
lots of love

Anneli Cassar

Tim Stinear

Virginia Bourke
Good on you Jonny!

Caroline Simmons

Lauren Irving
Thank you for doing this. I’ll always miss my amazing Uncle xx

Michelle Statham
Such a great cause Bill.

Hugh And Dianne Walker
Great job to your and your work friends. Mum and Dad

Max Griffiths
Good on everyone getting behind such an amazing cause.

Melisa And Stephen Robinson

Catherine And Matthew Weekes

Great job Nick keep those knees up, great cause

Phil & Julie Dunne
Stay strong and walk on

Julie Garrill

Dale James Loadman

Joy. & Nev Bryans

Bill Simmons

A&c Jinks
A wonderful idea

Debbie Kingshott

Adam Chandley
What a great tribute by all reports for a great bloke. Proud of you mate.

Liv Elder

Linna Nguyen
Happy Walking Kal, with you every step of the way :)

Lionel Johnson

Jason Wheatley
Hey Kerri, Hope you are well & thank you for doing the walk in memory of Dave..

Mark Camilleri

Susan Grehan
Great man our Jinksy was. So sad he had to go. Cheers PG.

Christopher Walker
Well done China!

Terry Katis
Well done Nick awesome effort.

Noah Passmore


Upfold Family
A wonderful thing to do in memory of such an amazing friend 💕

Vanessa Mcdonough
Doing it for Dave, a great man sorely missed.

Bonnie Perrin

Malcolm Gillard
left right, left right, keep a chuggin', all day and night.

Mike Stinear

Teresa Hanlon
Love your work mate!

Robert Buckley

Luke Seager

Mike Bean

Pete Waters

Rose Hooyer

King Family
Go Lach

Mark Lafferty
Outstanding work Jonny!

Michael Nott
Good thought Kerrie

Jon Stinear

Scot Gorton
Good work Harrop, keep it up

George Orr

Tasha Sharp
GO KEZZA! well done 😊

D.vine Scapes
I love hearts!

Bridie Gude

Sam Mccomb
10,000?hind this, you guys have been so strong.

Marianne Collins
Good job Nick!❤

Andrea Mihic

Natasha Redman
Good on you Lachy!! Best of luck, Tash

Remi Stock

Kath Wiles

John Procopiou
Good on ya champ if you can walk my Ks for me it would be appreciated.

John Procopiou
Good on ya Nikos if you can walk my Ks for me it would be appreciated Big Souva for you when you finished

John Procopiou
Well Done Kerrie, Make sure puppy goes with you on those long walks

John Procopiou
Walk well mate, stay within the 5k radius and don't let JS beat you. Cheers'

Linna Nguyen
woohoo …. cheering you on the from the sideline

Eliza Hull
Good on you Lach

The Mahonys
Good on you Jon for raising awareness and doing a walkathlon for this cause. We might join you for a few k’s.

Ben Mollema
Thinking of you all xx

Neave Crowter

B Donovan

Mark Vandenhoff
Good Luck!

Verity Lafontaine-harvey

Ella Tippinh

Jemma Chalk
much love

Michael Lowe

Jed Drake

Rachel Stagg
Good luck!

Sarah & Bek
Go Godmudda! We know that this is important to you. Good job x

Hailey Meyer

Cherie And Peter Baddouche
Great cause

Aiden Bourke
Well done Bill keep up the good work

Kim Chandley
Well done Nick Keep up the good work

Suzanna Levy

Erin Burns

Gabriella Failla
You guys are doing so great! So much love ❤️

Julie White
Great effort Kerrie

Holly Curigliano


Phoebe Solis

Arnu Schembri
Great commitment mate, very worthy cause to support. Go Team ITW!

Michael Tandogac
Good luck mate, great job

Jade Wilkinson

Scott Leadbetter

Melissa Barber
Good luck Bones

Georgia Templeton
Sending lots of love x

Ann Gaske
Keep walking Bill

Claudia Singsuk

Craig Healey

Holly Pollock
I love you forever x You are the strongest family i know and i’m so proud of you all🤍

Georgia Middleton


Bron Huisintveld

Erin Clarke
Sending love xx

Emily Larken

Toby North

Kyle Johannsen



Love to you all. Xxx

Allie Block

Michael Simmons

Brooke Chapman

Stella Magree

Georgina Wiebrecht

Luke Travaglini
Our Team Members

Eloise Doherty

Kal Binfield

Julie-Anne VandenHoff

Jon Stinear

Nick Chandley

Kerrie Johnson


Lachlan Walker

In honour of David. Thanks everyone for joining in to raise funds in support of the Heart Foundation.