Emmeline Lee London Marathon 2025 - doing it for the Heart Foundation!

By Emmeline Lee

I'm keen to stay active and healthy by running a marathon and/or doing a trek, and raising funds for the Heart Foundation at the same time. It's a win-win! Thank you to Legacy Risk Advice and  Performance Property for their support x

Event Information

Monday 15th July

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kevin Kwan

Good luck! Hope you pick a stellar location :) Bonus points if you get Lee into exercising and training with you.


Louise & Allan

You’re are star em xxx


Isabel Tan

Go girl!!


Michelle Chiang

Keep on inspiring 🥰


Tonya Halliday

Enjoy. We be a great experience.


Sandy Chen

Go Emmelin!! 💪


Regina And Alex



Ken Tee


Marina Dinne Dunne


Mary Blasse


Trisha Mitchell

Go Emmy! I'm so proud to be your friend.


Richard Do

Go Em! Richard from NYC!


Nelson Lau

Happy Birthday Emmy!


Amanda Boudville

Good luck!!



Fabulous event to work towards. You are inspiring!!



I am proud of you and what you do is very inspiring.


Mary Wyatt


Ravinder Dhillon

Rooting for you


Catherine Ho