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My name is Zara Isaacs and I am 15 years old. At the age of 8, I lost my father, David Isaacs, due to a sudden heart attack at a beach.
David’s favourite thing was to swim and play waterpolo. David was a proud member of The Entrance water polo team, and he swam on the weekends and after work. David never had any previous heart complications before his heart attack, so his death was sudden to everyone.
Heart disease remains Australia’s biggest killer, claiming 48 lives every day. Your donation will help the Heart Foundation to transform Australia’s heart health by:
Funding life-changing heart research
Supporting health professionals working to prevent, diagnose and treat heart disease
Providing heart-healthy programs and resources for everyday Australians.
Please make a donation today, click the donate button. Every donation, big or small will help me get closer to my goal.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you’ll get a receipt by email as soon as you make your donation
Thank you for your support.