Cool Tie July 2022

By David Gist

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Wear your coolest tie, and show the world where your heart is!

Back in 2013 I got sick. Seriously sick. Something called a 'dissecting aortic aneuryism'.

Medical research of the type funded by organizations like the Heart Foundation helped me stay on this side of the grass, and also helped me get the rehabilitation I needed to get back into life. So this July I'm hoping to remind Australia that an unhealthy heart is still the biggest killer of Australian men.

I'm combining raising funds for this amazing organization with an equally important (some might argue more important) cultural mission; to reclaim the necktie as the decorative piece of self-expression that it was always meant to be. I’ll be wearing a different (but equally amazing) tie every day for the month of July, and inviting others to join in, or just enjoy the ride. If you enjoy seeing the neckwear as much as I enjoy showing it, do throw some money the Heart Foundation’s way.

Cool Tie July is not about buying more ties. And it’s not (necessarily) about trying to find the most tasteless tie you can find. It’s about wearing that tie that you never get to wear. It might be a timeless silk offering from a European fashion house, or that polyester fire hazard from the 1970s. The Father’s Day present your kids gave you all those years ago, or the Lucky Tie that landed you your dream job. The point is, you love it, which is why it’s in your wardrobe at all. Remember, it’s a decoration, and decorations are supposed to be seen and enjoyed.

We all have a favourite tie. And the rest of us want to see it.

If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, drop a #cooltiejuly with your image, and share your glorious neckwear and its back story with the world. And considering giving the Heart Foundation some money while you’re at it.