350ks in 30 days to help keep heart disease away!

By Frenece Banovich

Daily kms + some updates on dad's journey

Friday 30/10/20 : 11.8km today.Β 

Saturday 31/10/20 : 14.6km today. Thankyou to everyone for following our journey and for the continued support. Today was a tough day for us all. May tomorrow be better.Β 

Sunday 1/11/20: 17.1km today - many, many laps around the hospital waiting for news.Β 

Monday 2/11/20 : 10.7km today. Dad has been off sedation for a while now, but has not woken up. He is scheduled for a CT brain tomorrow to ensure there is nothing sinister. Dad still has high oxygen and ventilation requirements, so will have a CT chest at the same time.Β 

Tuesday 3/11/20 : 15.9km today. Dad's CT brain showed no abnormalities, which is excellent news. We are just hoping he wakes with more time off the sedation. We will get the formal results from his CT chest tomorrow.Β 

Wednesday 4/11/20 : 10.3km today. Dad is very slowly showing some signs of waking. He is able to obey some commands like squeezing hands and shaking and nodding his head to questions.Β 

Thursday 5/11/20 : 13km today. Dad is doing much better. He is waking and only requires enough sedation for tolerance of the ventilation tubing. I cannot believe he is 'back with us'. He is planned for extubation tomorrow.Β 

Friday 6/11/20 : 11.1km today. Dad was extubated today. Mum was visiting dad today and through loud speaker on mum's phone I head dad's voice for the first time since he went into the hospital on Friday 23/10/20. I heard him say my name. I will see dad tomorrow afternoon. Thankyou to everyone for the continued support.Β 

Saturday 7/11/20 : 14.9km today. The team have discovered a lump on dad's liver, his kidney and his lung. We are hoping these nodules are nothing sinister that will inhibit his ability for further treatment including LVAD.Β 

Sunday 8/11/20 : 11.9km today. When I asked dad 'Are you ok dad? He replied: "Yeah, I'm just worried about you guys". This shows exactly the man my dad is - a wonderful one.Β 

Monday 9/11/20 : 11.5km today. It is sinking in that dad's heart fails him and he will require heart transplant. We understand that this is not a simple procedure that will happen tomorrow, rather he will need to tick a lot of boxes and reach a lot of smaller milestones before he is considered a candidate and appropriate for surgery.Β 

Tuesday 10/11/20: 9.3km today. Mum and I both got to see dad today after a family meeting to discuss dad's progress and future treatment plans. I was so happy to hear the team talking about my dad in such a positive way. I could tell that they truly have gone above and beyond to understand who my dad is, and what he is like. Dad has been accepted for an LVAD (left ventricular assist device) as long as his PET scan is clear. We can only hope.Β 

Wednesday 11/11/20 : 17.7km today. You can tell which days are the most stressful for me by the k's I clock up to keep myself busy. Dad should be out of his PET scan by now. I am extremely anxious for the results and praying that whatever the mass is on dad's lung (as the other 2 lumps; liver and kidney have been given the all clear) is nothing which will exclude him from being a future transplant candidate. I saw dad this morning and he said to me 'it is what it is'.Β 

Thursday 12/11/20: 12.7km today. Dad's PET Scan was clear which is excellent news. He is planned for theatre for the external LVAD tomorrow. We are all extremely worried but hopeful that this surgery will be a success and the right side of dad's heart can cope with the new workload.Β 

Friday 13/11/20 : A smaller day today - 8.5km Dad went to theatre for his external LVAD today. The surgery went to plan, he is intubated and the plan is to see how his heart can cope and gradually wean him off supports to be extubated in the coming days.Β 

Saturday 14/11/20: 11.7km todayΒ 

Sunday 15/11/20: 14.9km todayΒ 

Monday 16/11/20: 10.9km today. Β I saw dad this afternoon. He has been extubated for a couple of days but is struggling from a respiratory point of view. We are really just hoping at this point he won't require reintubation. He is exhausted and it is difficult to see him struggling. He musters up SO much energy however to interact with us when we visit.Β 

Tuesday 17/11/20: 18km today.Β 

Wednesday 18/11/20 : 10.9km today. Dad's respiratory function has definitely improved since I saw him 2 days ago. He is alternating between the non-invasive ventilation and the high-flow nasal oxygen.Β 

Thursday 19/11/20: 9km today. Dad is struggling from a psychological perspective. He is extremely anxious.Β 

Friday 20/11/20 : 18.1km today. Dad looked so bright today. He was still tired (post physio and multiple visits from multiple teams throughout the day). From a strength perspective he is doing so well, and has been able to sit on the edge of the bed with assistance during physio sessions. He was able to be pushed to the window today to look into the garden. Dad has been visited by the psychologist and I feel a lot better knowing his mental health needs are being taken care of during his most difficult time to date. I asked dad today what he would like me to download onto his iPad for him to watch, I was hoping something simple like 'Netflix' or 'abc news', but he made a very specific request for 14ft single hull fast sail boat races... so I know what I will be busy googling tonight. Dad has a passion for sailing and it was lovely to hear this spark reignited.Β 

Saturday 21/11/20: 15.6kmΒ 

Sunday 22/11/20: 12.6km.Β 

Monday 23/11/20: 13.5km. Dad was amazing today. He was so bright. He was waving his 2 thumbs up all over the place and so excited to chat to a few people on the phone. He is in very good spirits and managed to walk his first few steps with physio. He remains with the external LVAD, some supports for blood pressure and other bits & pieces but overall is doing well.Β 

Tuesday 24/11/20: 17.6km today. Dad didn't get a lot of sleep overnight but was still doing really well today. Today marks one month of dad being in the Alfred hospital - I got him a celebratory "happy one month" card, and a real cappuccino that he has been requesting for a long time but unable to have due to a lack of thickener (and he is on thickened fluids for his dysphagia). I managed to order in some thickener so got him a surprise cuppa - which he couldn't stand the taste of ! Looks like his taste buds have forgotten what quality coffee tastes like and developed a liking for artificial thickened juices ! haha.Β 

Wednesday 25/11/20:Β 

400ks in 30 days to help keep heart disease away!

Hi everyone. I’ve decided to take on a challenge for my dad.Β 

Last Friday as I was finishing work after a night shift, mum and I saw dad off for his angio within the day surgery unit. Dad had been short of breath for a couple of months prior, and the Cardiologist's plan was to have a look at his vessels via angio, and likely receive a stent. We were supposed to pick dad up later that afternoon.Β 

Dad unexpectedly had a cardiac arrest following the procedure. He had prolonged CPR and many shocks, and was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit on ECMO support. This ICU happens to be where I work as a nurse.Β 

My dad reached the limitations of his care in Hobart and was lucky enough to be accepted by the Alfred Hospital for further intervention. I am currently in Melbourne to support him through his journey. Dad remains critically unwell.Β 

Due to the COVID restrictions, I am only able to visit dad for 40 minutes per day. This means I have 23 hours and 20 minutes to keep myself busy. I have been walking to keep my body active and my mind at rest, and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to raise some money towards life saving heart research.Β 

Please can you :Β 

  1. Find out how you can keep your heart as healthy as you can and reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseaseΒ 
  2. Donate, to fund research to continue saving lives like my dads.Β 

I’m passionate about saving Australian Hearts and I need your help to create change. I could lose my dad at any moment due to heart disease and that’s why I’m fundraising for the Heart Foundation – I hope you’ll support me in this.

Heart disease remains Australia’s biggest killer, claiming 48 lives every day. Your donation will help the Heart Foundation to transform Australia’s heart health by:

  • Funding life-changing heart research

  • Supporting health professionals working to prevent, diagnose and treat heart disease

  • Providing heart-healthy programs and resources for everyday Australians.

Please make a donation today, click the donate button. Every donation, big or small will help me get closer to my goal. Please share with your friends.Β 

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you’ll get a receipt by email as soon as you make your donation

Thank you for your support,Β 

Frenece XXΒ 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gerard Chandler

Best wishes to you, your dad and your mum


Chavelli Sulikowski

I'm walking with you, every step towards getting your dad better!



Gooooo Doode!! πŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸƒ‍♀️


Richard Sulikowski

Great cause Frenece...good luck on reaching your target. U/Richie


Muff And Connie

We love you franny.


Sylvia Banovich


Jacinta Chandler

thinking of you and your family, Your Dad is an amazing man who has been like a second father to me basically my whole life, he would be so proud of what you are doing!





Brad Hodgkins

I hope this helps 😊


Isaac Coleman-lord


Libby Franz

Gunning for you and your ol' man sweet cheeks ♥️♥️


Bianca Munday



Rachel Collis


Dianne Nellis

For IanπŸ’• Stay strong Fran and Sylvia


Stacey Bresnehan


Nathan Rollins


Lara Schultz

What a beautiful thing to do during such a difficult time. Stay strong ❀



Good Luck x



Enjoy the walks! A great way to focus on something else. X


Liv Coyne

300kms! Keep up the positivity Fran. Big love from Hobart. xoxo


Chris & Erica Rogers

Wishing your dad all the best Fran. We know only too well what your going through. If you need an ear of someone who has been on the sidelines watching please reach out. Xxx



Sending lots of love


Ingrid Lee

Thinking of you and your family Frenece and sending love and best wishes


Frenece Banovich

It’s not much, but I’m here with you every step of the way dad. Research + funding + equipment has allowed you to get to this point so every bit of $ helps for future. Xx


Simone Owen

Sending all my healing thoughts to your Dad. Thinking of you Fran, you’re amazingπŸ’•



Keep fighting Ian πŸ’™


Lucas Family ??

We are so sorry to hear about Ian,,such a HUGE shock to hear,,there are never enough words to say thankyou to him,for what he has done for us,he is such a beautiful man,who has a HUGE,giving heart ♥️,for everyone and animal he has been around..he brings so much happiness and joy to everyone that meets him,he is indeed,a very special man,we send all our love♥️ ,to all your family and BIG HUGS & LOVE to your beautiful dad, Ian, you are all in our prayers and hearts ,lots of love Lucas Family πŸ’™πŸ’™


Maggie & Luke Mckinlay



Amber Johns

Amazing work Fran. All the best xo


Abby Chadwick

Thinking of you and your family! Xox


Eileen Simpson

thinking of you all xx


Freya Vyrnwy-jones

Hi fren, great work. I’ve also loved seeing the posts of your dad and what a cool funny man he is. Wishing you both the best Xx


Rachael Visser

Best Wishes πŸ’–


Heshani Samarakoon